That Machine Always Lies


Truth and Fiction in the Age of Machine Learning



Recent events in machine learning are outpacing most people’s ability to keep up with the news, let alone try to analyze the impact.

There actually is a massive shift underway that it is important for everyone to try to understand. However, it is hard to filter out both the hype and the hysteria.

“That Machine Always Lies: Truth and Fiction in the Age of Machine Learning” tries to help explain how we got here, what is going on right now, and what may happen next.

And most importantly, help you and your company figure about what to do about it.

The Course


This hands-on course is for business decision makers, entrepreneurs, and anyone who needs to understand what is going on with machine learning, and what to do about it.

Part I. A Brief History of Supposedly Intelligent Machines

Part II. When Events Get Carried Away With Themselves

Part III. A Million Genies From A Thousand Bottles

Part IV. Putting The Machines To Work For You

More information about availability, dates, and pricing will be available soon.



Ron Evans aka @deadprogram is an award-winning software developer and expert in robotics/IoT/computer vision who is very active in the free and open source community. He has helped many clients such as AT&T, Intel, and Northvolt solve some of their most difficult technical and business problems.

Ron is a very active speaker, keynoting and presenting at industry conferences around the world such as MakerFaire, OSCON, GopherCon, FOSDEM, and the MIT Technology Review. He has been profiled in the press by Wired, Fast Company, and The New York Times​. He was presented with Intel’s “Top Innovator” award five consecutive years from 2015 to 2019, as well as being a recipient of the “Ruby Hero"​ award in 2014.

Ron is a code contributor to many open source hardware/software projects, and is a maintainer of TinyGo (, as well as the creator of the open source IoT/robotics framework Gobot ( and computer vision framework GoCV ( He also created the award-winning KidsRuby (, free software to help teach Ruby programming to kids.



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